Saturday, April 26, 2014

On Method, Again, Or, All That is New is New Again

Mims Pond, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

The return to method in this blog has acquired a comfortable regularity. Answering the what, why, who and where of a project is easiest through the how in this project. What do I want to know? About place, generally, and about what people make of places. Why do I want to know about place? I want to know about place memory and place attachment, sense of place and place narratives, place histories, physical place and imagined place, belonging and yearning and moving on and moving back to place. Who do I want to know it from and where are they? The who are my interviewees, who are my audience mostly here, waiting to see what I will make of their gifts of sharing narratives, in this town, this town of 6000, and I have 68 interviews, which is about 1%. This gives me pause, even as a statistician with a fairly representative sample in so far as qualitative research goes. Probability odds tell us that a pretty small random sample of a population can give us remarkable insight into the whole, which is easily demonstrated by a simple marble game in class, and more complexly demonstrated by math. I do not have a random sample however, and I do not have much of a urge to generalize whatever findings I may find. Really I do, but will hold back as best I can. 

What to say about this place then, at the end of so many months of talking, watching, walking, listening, hanging out, strolling and otherwise toiling along with my research? I am looking for patterns, if not generalizations (things about any particular population that are derived from a smaller randomly selected sample of that population). Elements like reasons people move to places, and things they hold dear about places. Or a lack of pattern sometimes, like the ramshackle end of 'why I am here, or, often, why am I here," narratives that branch out into alluvial fans. Torrents of memory and explanation becoming filaments of memory clinging to the sands of time before fading back into the landscape. The edges are there, you just have to be far enough away to see them.

Yes, ahem. The how of what I am doing has been the focus of my efforts these past few weeks. Although I have been saying I am doing a place ethnography, and I have been writing about ethnographic place research here for over a year now, I realized there was no entry about place ethnography on wikipedia. All joking aside, this was serious. Furthermore, I am officially listed as a preservationist and place ethnographer on a UNM School of Architecture and Planning Southwest Summer Institute poster for a course where I will be a guest speaker. So in the midst of trying to finish up my first chapter (which is all I should be posting here at this point really) I departed to write an entry on place ethnography for wikipedia. This is much harder than it appears, and much harder than the random edit.

 In the process of  providing an overview and defense of a method, I sidetracked to train up on my research and bibliographic software, in an attempt to be more organized and productive. I discovered what a fool I have been in my old-fashioned ways of cutting and pasting references and cool bits of online information. I called Sherry Fletcher earlier tonight to describe the way zotero will grab information from amazon in a tidy little pile. Sherry just buys every book she is interested in, and often in sets of two and three in case she needs to give some away. Her brain is like a giant database, and her data is stored on just about any flat surface around and in stacks of books on the floor. But Sherry loves the access to information online with as much fervor as me. Sometimes I feel like she and I share the same mind in our reckless enthusiasm for good information. It is just hard to concentrate with so much coming in at once, and we are both prone to sidetracking all the way off into whole new landscapes of fascinating observations and research about the world. I will repost a blog from 2009. 2009. in order to illustrate for anyone who is interested just how great this software is to use. And great is has been for a looooong time. I am no innovator in this realm.

I am bending my will to organizing information right now, and organizing a defense of a method that is real, but does not exist yet in too many places named as such, despite its heavy use. What do you do? Place ethnography. Oh, people reply, and slowly back away. This is what scholars do though, they make up methods or fields of knowledge and research and set to using them to look around the world and make observations. It is also what revolutionaries do, when they draft new ideas and declarations. Or what kids do, when they demand freedom and craft a hundred reasons why they should do what they want and have to do. It is what all of us do, not to generalize too much (hahaha), when we talk about the who and where and why of  but describing how things came to be and how things will be tomorrow and the day after. Sometimes nothing changes at all. Sometimes things are hardly recognizable. I am still partial to fountain pens and fieldbooks bound in heavy black covers. I love canoe rides on Mims pond with Sherry, but I also love the instagram photo memory of the trip that hangs on my wall and graces this post. All that is old is new again, archived for another generation.

Zotero is magic for saving, organizing, and sharing documents on the web

Written by Rick Henrikson on July 19th, 2009 Posted in Productivity, Science, Technology

Get Zotero

The Citation Management Problem
Most of you probably recall the disproportionately large emphasis elementary and secondary education often placed on “the bibliography.”  A significant amount of time was spent teaching you just how to cite someone else’s work in the right way.  Where does the author’s name go?  The edition?  The page numbers?  …Who cares?  Now you shouldn’t have to spend any tedious hours organizing reference information thanks to awesome software that is freely available from Zotero.  But it’s not just for book reports; I would highly recommend Zotero if any of the following applies to you:
  1. You use EndNote (and thus appreciate how much it sucks, on top of how expensive it is).
  2. You are involved in any stage of an academic career (student, professor, creepy old guy at the library).
  3. You are a professional who needs to keep abreast of current published developments in your field.
  4. You currently use a tool like EverNote to clip information from the web, but sometimes you want to pull out the semantic data hidden in the html (author, publication date, journal, etc.).  Or maybe now you’re realizing you should.
If you’re still reading, and you haven’t already had me physically force Zotero installation upon you, then you’re about to pick up a pretty useful tool to accelerate your research.  I’ve been using it since February 2008, and I’ve collected 1,778 references to date.

Zotero is Feature-Rich

Created by the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, Zotero is an open source project that has grown rapidly in recent months.  My friend over at wired liked it so much he featured it in a blog post a little over a year ago.  Since then, the major release of Zotero 2.0 has allowed users to sync and share all of the reference information they have collected in online groups and folders.  But let’s go through some of the key components first.
The Library
My Zotero library window expanded in Firefox (click to enlarge)

The  center panel shows all of my Zotero files.  Each entry can be expanded to show its associated attachments.  Zotero will automatically download the html page for a file, as well as any pdf’s that are available.  You can add as many more attachments and notes as you would like.  This center panel can also be filtered by folder and tags (options in the left panel).

Zotero automatically reads all of the metadata associated with an entry and makes this visible in the right panel.  And if for some reason Zotero is unable to pull in your document information, you can manually enter details in any field (though you can see how tedious this would be).  Beside the “Info” tab, you will commonly use the “Notes” and “Tags” tabs to jot down some more details.

The Attachment Viewer
Zotero even lets you open attachments (html and pdf) right in the browser window.  Doing so will cause a little annotation toolbar to slide out of the top of the window, allowing you to highlight text and add comment bubbles with your own notes.  This is pretty useful, though I generally opt to take notes in Foxit Reader, a quick pdf reader (will add a post on that later).

Advanced Search

One of the best things about Zotero is the rapid search.  You can type any search term into the general search box above the center pane in Zotero’s main window (this will search through all of your items, including the text of all attachments such as pdf and html files).  You can also click the little magnifying glass to open an advanced search with unlimited searching criteria (author, publisher, date, etc.).  Having a great search interface guarantees you’ll be able to find any paper you’re looking for in your gigantic library.

The Web Interface

This is clearly the least developed area of Zotero right now, but it is nice to see that Zotero is moving towards the cloud.  You can see your entire Zotero library here, which can be automatically (or manually) synced from the Firefox plugin.  You can create groups for sharing files (right now it seems the only way to add files is through the plugin, though – so you’ll have to drag them into the group folder and sync them to the web to make them appear).  Currently Zotero will not sync your pdf/html attachments, but they will help you do this through your own server space (it seems they will be adding a simpler, hosted, option in the future).  For now I just back up my pdf files on the web using SugarSync (more on that later).

Easy to Set Up and Use

Since Zotero is a plugin for Firefox, all you have to do is make sure you have the latest version of the browser and then install the plugin directly from Zotero’s main page (I suggest using the latest version 2.0 beta – it works well and has a lot more features).  After a quick Firefox restart, you should see the Zotero icon in the bottom right pane of the Firefox window.  Clicking this button opens the Zotero library where you can view and edit all of your saved pages.  I’d recommend adjusting a few of the preferences after a fresh install (click the gear icon at the top of the Zotero panel and select “Preferences…”):
  1. General Tab: I checked all of the boxes here.  You’re going to want Zotero to automatically download associated pdf and html files.
  2. Sync Tab: Put your login information here.
  3. Search Tab: Set up pdf indexing.  There should be a button you can press for Zotero to automatically install a couple of pdf reader programs to enable this functionality.  Now all your pdf files will be searchable.
  4. Advanced Tab: You can change the folder where Zotero will store all of your files.  If you don’t care, you can just leave it stored in your Firefox profile directory.
Organizing Your Information
Everyone has their own way of organizing information, and fortunately Zotero covers the main options that please most people.  I’m going to tell you the right way to organize things, though.  Zotero gives you two main tools to organize citations: folders and tags.  Folders are basically the same thing as tags (an item can exist in more than one folder), except that they (1) have a hierarchy and (2) will not be preserved if the folder is exported.  You can think of folders as being like tags that are associated with your particular library, but not with the individual items (so the information gets lost when individual items are exported).  Tags, on the other hand, are tied to individual citations and are thus preserved on export.

When I first started using Zotero, I thought I’d get super organized and I created a pretty thorough folder-based ontology.  I could readily pull up citations in the folder Materials->Biomolecules->DNA->Aptamers.  However, this required a lot of manual organization and this quickly became prohibitively draining on my time.  So here is my simplified strategy for organizing citations:
  1. Assign to “Project” Folders.  I create a folder called “Projects” with subfolders for each project I am currently working on.  I often think about and use papers in terms of the project they are associated with, so this is the easiest and most convenient way to categorize papers.  You can also drag multiple citations into a folder at once (which is convenient since I tend to get citations in batches that are all associated with the same projects).  You could similarly have a “Classes” folder with subfolders for each class you are collecting references, and subfolders for specific assignments in any given class.
  2. Tag the Priority.  Initially I had two main tags for this: “ToRead” and “Read”.  I later realized I would have to prioritize what I read in some way, so I created a “ToReadNext” tag that  I use to help guide my immediate reading, reserving the “ToRead” files for more leisurely browsing.  Once I have finished reading something, I mark it as “Read” and “Annotated” (if I have made highlights and other annotations in the digital version).  This makes it easy for me to quickly filter through only the papers that I’ve already finished.
  3. Assign to “Paper Type” Folders.  There are several broad classes of paper types that are relevant to me as a researcher, so it is convenient to make a quick categorization when I pull a paper.  The main categories I use are “Reviews” (for broad review articles), “Model Papers” (examples of great science and communication), and “Guidelines” (any references that describe best practice guidelines for my field), and “RFA” (any requests for applications relevant to my work – ultimately everything is all about the benjamins).
This may seem like a lot of work, but it’s actually rather quick and can save you tons of time when you are preparing a report or just updating a coworker on the most important literature in your field (it only takes me a second to consistently transfer all of the important literature to my undergraduate students).  However, if you are on the lazy end of the spectrum, you can also just rely on the automatic tags generated by Zotero based on metadata on the page (in the case of scientific articles, these tags often come from the “keywords” section).  Plus the built-in search is incredibly effective in finding what you’re looking for.

Integrated Bibliography Publishing

Zotero also offers plugins for Word, OpenOffice, and NeoOffice so you can readily insert citations into your documents (these options should cover all Windows & Mac users).  You get a few extra buttons in the “Add-Ins” tab of Word, allowing you to insert a bibliography (you can select from a number of bibliography formats, or create your own), and subsequently insert and edit citations.  Inserting citations is fairly simple, especially if you have organized them by project, and Zotero even gives you search functionality here.

zotero_word_insert The only issue here is that everything is done with fields, which can lead to some file issues at times.  However, all of the citations and bibliographies you insert can be manually formatted and adjusted as you see fit (simply hitting the Zotero refresh button will bring the bibliography back to its original formatting, and also adjust citation numbering to match any changes that have been made by deleting or inserting references).  This simple bibliography creator has saved me more than once in a time crunch.
Although Zotero seems to recognize most every site I want to pull citations from, I do occasionally find an obscure site that doesn’t have a Zotero translator yet.  When this happens, I try to search another paper aggregation site that Zotero does recognize (such as PubMed or Google Scholar).  If you still can’t find the paper on a translated site, you can either write a translator for Zotero, or you can just enter the information manually.

Sometimes Zotero will accurately scrape the metadata from a site, but it will be unable to automatically download the pdf associated with it.  In these cases, you can actually drag a link to the pdf file right onto the citation in your Zotoro library and it will be linked and indexed.  Alternatively, you can download the pdf manually and then use the “Attachments” tab of the library to associate an attachment with it (pdf or otherwise).  Make sure to use the “Store Copy of File…” option to actually store and index the document in your Zotero database (rather than just linking out to the document wherever it exists on your hard drive).

If you run into any other issues while using Zotero, I highly recommend consulting the Zotero forums.  The users and developers are generally quick to respond to any issues you post (though you should first conduct a search to make sure your questions hasn’t already been answered elsewhere).


There are several other options for citation management.  The old standard is EndNote, though the functionality and user experience clearly pale in comparison to Zotero’s free and open source alternative.  Backed into a corner by an obviously superior product, EndNote even lashed out with a lawsuit that was ultimately dismissed.  So unless you want to spend a lot of money on a broken product, I recommend steering clear of EndNote.

I’ve been told there is some Apple software called Papers that attempts to do similar things, albeit in an iTunes-style application.  However, I generally wouldn’t recommend the use of Apple products.  Also, this one seems to cost money, and it’s not clear that it can automatically pull metadata out of references you find on the web (at least from browsing their features page).

The biggest competitor to Zotero is Mendeley, a product that describes itself as a “ for references”.  I tested Mendeley out when it was first available and it was a fairly crippled experience when compared with Zotero.  However, it seems they have made a lot of progress since then, particularly on the social front, so I will give them another chance and report back shortly.  Their system seems to be built around pdf’s to a large extent, so if you have a huge pdf library it might be worth checking them out.

I spoke with an employee from Mendeley at the most recent SciBarCamp in Palo Alto and he said Zotero is a great product (he even uses it from time to time), but he’s excited about the social/recommendation features that Mendeley has in the works.  All of their current features will remain free, but they will be introducing some premium features that will require some moolah.  It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, though I’d place my bet on the free and open source solution.

The Bottom Line
Zotero an awesome and simple tool for managing and sharing any documents you come across on the web (automatically storing bibliographic metadata as well as any associated html and pdf files).  It will change your life if you regularly interact with publications online that you later need to reference.  It’s even supported by Berkeley.
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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Future Site of...

Photo: Jared Tarbell/Wiki Commons/CC License   

I miss Truth or Consequences. My residence was short-lived. Four months and handful of days were all I managed before packing up for home. Home is Albuquerque, were I sit working now at the UNM Fine Arts Library. The library sits on top of the Architecture building at the corner of Central and Cornell. It is a gorgeous and airy place. Much fancier than the kids reading room at the T or C public library. There are no bean bags however, and no craft hours. The sense of belonging is different. It is a solitary pursuit despite the quick ability to meet people here or to see an occasional familiar face. It is like the city verses the town. The scope is grander. There is more at hand to do and see. But there is an anonymity despite the regular familiarity of  people and places. There is more to have but more is required to have it. My place is here and here I am. The journey from all of my there(s) to this here (this there here?) is my history. Place is no backdrop to this tale, it is a lead character. 

If my central question is how we narrate places, and what this may mean, my secondary consideration is how we narrate ourselves into the landscape. What do we need in a place? Basics of food, shelter, and belonging. And other things. Those other things, the elements (if this was physical science the elements would be elemental, here they are descriptive, narrative, qualitative, but just as real) are what I am looking to figure out, partially and momentarily, in this place ethnography. 

My next dissertation section in the first chapter is the town's history. I have been re-writing my opening pages. The first draft of everything I write is posted here first. I would never allow my students to engage this practice. There is too much clutter in first drafts. There is to much meandering and entirely too much crap. After four or five or ten revisions, writing is passably good if you are a passing to good writer. I am passing, would like to be good, do not write enough to be great. That's my story anyway. Here are some stories of the town I have been reading online this morning to remind myself of the narratives many are reading from their places. I will post the town history I have cobbled together separately. 

Sierra County New Mexico


Truth or Consequences New Mexico

downtown Truth or Consequences New Mexico 
Once known as Hot Springs, Truth or Consequences New Mexico is a small resort town with a year-round population of slightly more than 6,000.

A walk through downtown T or C can be like stepping into a living time capsule; one can stroll among businesses on WPA-era sidewalks, take a soak in T or C’s ancient hot springs, or dine at a steak house straight out of the 1980s (the town offers a range of interesting dining options).
You’ll find all sorts of lodging here, from larger, name-brand motels “uptown” (near I-25 exit 79 and Walmart) to charmingly-restored commercial Spa/Hotels in the Historic Hot Springs and Downtown District, to the many motor courts along Date Street.
Truth or Consequences New Mexico - coolest small town, 2008
Situated off I-25 between Albuquerque and Las Cruces, this little town got its big name in 1950 as part of a publicity scheme to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Ralph Edwards’ hugely successful game show on NBC radio. (more info on the name change) Once Hot Springs became Truth or Consequences, Edwards traveled to town annually, celebrity friends in tow, for nearly 50 years, and oooh was there a party! They called it “Fiesta,” and though Edwards has been gone for some time now, Fiesta continues to this day.
Las Palomas Fountain next to the Geronimo Springs Museum in downtown Truth or Consequences NM
Activities include the Miss Fiesta pageant, a parade, rodeos (motorcyle and traditional), a golf tournament, and – in Ralph Edwards Park – music, performance, and contests including a junk boat race and rubber duck race on the Rio Grande. (Complete info is on the Fiesta website.)Truth or Consequences Main Street
Las Palomas Plaza (pictured at left), completed by the artist Shel Neymark circa 2003, is an inviting feature of downtown T or C. Located next door to the artifact-studded Geronimo Springs Museum and across the street from the Post Office, the fountain provides a place for visitors to sit and relax while soaking their feet in the town’s famous hot mineral waters. Currently, the water cycles at 15 minutes on / 15 minutes off – these waters are worth waiting for if you can spare the time!
Truth  or Consequences Art HopMainStreet Truth or Consequences, a community-based group dedicated to the revitalization and beautification of the downtown, partners with the Sierra County Tourism Board in the promotion of downtown Truth or Consequences, its Historic Hot Springs District and water sports on the Rio Grande.
MainStreet is also the group behind the monthly Second Saturday Art Hop, a night when many downtown businesses open their doors from 6-9pm.


Truth or Consequences hot springs
There are TEN commercial bathhouses offering hot springs in the cool town’s easily walkable historic hot springs & commercial district.
The bathhouses were the town’s biggest draw in the Hot Springs era, back when T or C was advertised as the City of Health.

Today, the springs are experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Most of T or C’s spas have been charmingly restored and are open to walk-ins who can pay to soak by the hour. Several also offer lodging.
Want to read about goings-on in T or C? Check out the Truth or Consequences category in our blog.

Hot Springs in Truth or Consequences

Since before recorded history, the therapeutic benefits of the hot springs in this area have drawn people here.
Blackstone Historic Bath - hot springs in Truth or ConsequencesThe hot thermal water flows out of a rift along the Rio Grande that appeared more than 50 million years ago. The rift uplifted T or C’s landmark hill, and faults along the rift allow deep groundwater to flow freely to the surface without losing heat or minerals — producing pristine waters with temperatures ranging from 98 to 115 degrees, with trace elements of 38 different minerals. The pH of the water is 7, or neutral.
With almost 2,700 parts per million of assorted minerals, these thermal springs constitute some of the most heavily mineralized water in the United States. The continually flowing waters also have two important and unique features:
— The water has no unpleasant odor.
— The single largest ingredient in the water is chloride, a naturally occurring germ killer that sterilizes the skin and ensures the purity of the water.
Located in the downtown Hot Springs Bathhouse Historic and Commercial District, the spas and bathhouses of Truth or Consequences are central to its history. The region gained recognition as a health center at the turn of the century, and in the 1920s, ‘30s, and ‘40s motorists flocked to area resorts. Some were prescribed the “21 day soak” regimen, said to cure “anything that ails you.” In a nutshell, the regimen is – soak in our hot springs once daily for 21 days, at around the same time each day, and spend as much time resting & recovering immediately afterward as you taking the waters.
Today, the charmingly restored hotels, motels, RV parks, and spas reflect this history and offer travelers a wide range of accommodations that retain the flavor of this bygone era, along with healing treatments including massage, reflexology, mud wraps, reiki, and more.
Visitors seeking in-room private baths will find several to choose from, and most of the baths are open to walk-ins who can pay to soak by the half hour or hour.
Hot Springs Truth or Consequences map
“Book Online” buttons and $$ ratings below refer to spas with lodging rooms.
$ = 40-59 per night | $$ = 60-89 per night | $$$ = 90 and up per night
Artesian Mineral Baths
Artesian Mineral Baths
312 Marr
walk-in soaks allowed
Walk-ins are welcome during business hours - 9am-12pm and 1-8pm daily except Wednesday.
Blackstone Hotsprings' Wet Room
Blackstone Hotsprings
410 Austin
walk-in soaks allowedOpen to Walk-ins from 9am-9pm daily.  Call ahead or stop in with a credit card to reserve either the Wet Room (which includes a large hot spring pool and a steam room) or one of the 2 Historic Baths.  more info
Each of Blackstone’s 7 rooms is inspired by a different television show (ie Twilight Zone, Golden Girls, Roy Rogers) and includes unlimited use of in-room hot springs…. Read more »
lobby of the Charles Motel & Hot Springs, Truth or Consequences
Charles Motel & Spa
601 Broadway
walk-in soaks allowedBaths at The Charles are open to Walk-ins from 8am-10pm. Punch cards are available; buy in bulk and save $1 per soak.  more info
1940s traditional spa services include on-site hot springs mineral baths (one soak per person per night). Most rooms have kitchens. … Read more »
Fire Water Lodge
Fire Water Lodge
311 Broadway
Walk-ins are not available; Fire Water baths are reserved for lodging guests.
Lodging guests have access to private baths, either inside or outside, depending on the room. Rooms are situated around a comfortable central courtyard…. Read more »
Hay-Yo-Kay Hot Springs
Hay-Yo-Kay Hot Springs
300 Austin
walk-in soaksHay-Yo-Kay is open to walk-ins Monday & Saturday, 10am-8pm; Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10am-9pm; and Sunday 10am-5pm.
There is no lodging available at Hay-Yo-Kay Springs, only hot springs / mineral water baths available to walk-ins. … Read more »
Indian Springs Baths & Apartments in Truth or Consequences NM
Indian Springs
218 Austin Street
walk-in soaks allowedWalk-ins are welcome at Indian Springs on a first-come/first-served basis.  Stop by!
Two private, natural-flowing hot spring pools are situated next to six 1940s-style efficiency apartments. Rooms are available on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Lodgers get two free half-hour baths per day. SPA HOURS 8am – 9pm daily $4 per person for for a half hour bath Baths are gravel-bottom, mostly natural flow, but a pump in the small bath maintains… Read more »
La Paloma Hot Springs & Spa
La Paloma Hot Springs & Spa
311 Marr
walk-in soaks allowedWalk-ins are welcome at La Paloma Hot Springs and Spa from 10am-10pm daily.  more info
La Paloma, formerly Marshall Miracle Pools, is a natural free flowing bathhouse with no pumps or pipes. Originally the first car park in T or C, it is now a quiet and peaceful space to escape the stress and demands of life. Stop in, take a breath, have a soak and find yourself…. Read more »
Pelican Spa, Truth or Consequences NM
Pelican Spa
306 S. Pershing Street
Sorry, Walk-ins are not allowed; baths at Pelican Spa are for lodging guests.  Pelican hot spring bath photos
Affordable overnight lodging in several downtown locations with unlimited hot spring soaks available to lodging guests on a first-come / first-served basis…. Read more »
Riverbend Hot Springs
Riverbend Hot Springs
100 Austin
walk-in soaks allowedWalk-ins are welcome during business hours, 8am-10pm, with the last soak at 9pm. Sessions last 50 minutes in the private pools, 1 hour in the public baths. Call ahead or pre-book soaks online!
Riverbend offers lodging, public and private pools on the banks of the Rio Grande, a sauna, and unmatched views of the river and Turtleback mountain…. Read more »
Sierra Grande Lodge, Truth or Consequences New Mexico
Sierra Grande Lodge & Spa
501 McAdoo
walk-in soaks allowedWalk-ins are welcome, but it's suggested that you call ahead to book a spa treatment or bath.  more info
Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Sierra Grande offers full spa services, hot spring baths, a 2-bedroom casita and meeting rooms…. Read more »

massage and spa treatments

Spa Services, Massage, Reflexology

If you’re looking for an opportunity to be pampered to the nines, there are two full-service spas in Truth or Consequences/Elephant Butte, and massage and other treatments can be arranged on-site at several hotels in the county.  Please see our Spa page for more information.

History of the Hot Springs as a Destination

Riverbend Hot Springs - early 1900s
Riverbend back in the day

Downtown Truth or Consequences sits atop a large natural aquifer that produces somewhat salty, odorless water ranging in temperature from 100-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Were the city (and nearby Elephant Butte Dam) not here, the downtown area would be a swampy basin of warm mud, subject to seasonal flooding from the Rio Grande.
The Chiricahua (Warm Springs) Apaches named these springs “Place to Pray” and considered them a sacred place for healing. (Many locals repeat the “Geronimo Soaked Here” tale, but it is thought by local historians to wishful thinking, not fact.)
Hot Springs New Mexico, City of Health
During the late 1800s, while neighboring areas like Kingston and Chloride were experiencing the Gold and Silver Rush, the hot springs were visited by more and more people and the area became known as “Palomas Hot Springs.” The first generation of bath houses were actually tents, and a soak entailed laying in the hot mud and slathering it all over oneself; doing so was thought to cure rheumatism.
The event that changed the area forever was the construction of Elephant Butte Dam between 1911 and 1916. Liquor and gambling were outlawed at the construction site, but establishments in the hot springs settlement five miles away offered both – and in abundance. The population grew rapidly and the town was incorporated in 1916.
Once the dam was completed, the flow of the river was altered such that more land could be claimed from the flood plain, allowing for stick frame bathhouses to be built in what had been swamp. Wells were sunk into the aquifer, allowing clear spring water to flow. The town developed as a health resort; hot mineral water was an accepted medical treatment, and slogans like “City of Health” and “Health Capital of the Southwest” drew visitors and healers alike.
Over the course of the 20th century, the town’s name was changed first to Hot Springs, then famously to Truth or Consequences. Some say that last change caused the mineral baths to be forgotten, but today the hot springs seem to be experiencing a resurgence in popularity.
Truth or Consequences Mineral Water Analysis
courtesy of the Charles Motel & Spa

mineral content in Truth or Consequences hot springs

Thank you for your interest in Truth or Consequences Hot Springs Baths!